Friday, March 19, 2010

Korean Super Germs!

So, I am once again sick here in Korea. However, this time around it was super bad so I took a trip to the doctor, which was a super hassle. I went to a big hospital around 12:30 and couldn't figure out which counter to go to out of the 5 that were there. Everyone glanced at me but no one would help me. So, I got on the phone to my school and asked for help. I was then informed that all the doctors were on lunch break from 12:30 to about 2pm, when I start work! How can all of the doctors go on such a long lunch break and all go at once? So, one of my coworkers took me to another tiny hospital. It was on the second floor of my bank. We still had to wait an hour though for lunch break. When we finally got in to see the doctor we explained my symptoms, she looked down my throat, and then listened to my lungs. That was it. Then she wrote me a prescription for 5 pills and liquid cough suppressant. She didn't even take my temperature! This lack of basic medical care has me worried. What exactly are the pills I'm taking? They didn't give me any directions with the medicine except to take them twice a day. I didn't get any warnings with the drugs either. What if I was taking other medication and they clashed?! So, when I spoke with my mother on skype we deduced that one of them was an antibiotic, which will render my birth control useless, one is a pain pill, one if for fever, and the two other ones are a mystery. Oh yes, the best thing is that the pills make me extremely tired! I took them while at school and within ten minutes I fell asleep while talking and sitting up. I slept a total of 2 hours during school that day! So now, I'm at school armed with a liter of cola! I will overcome this!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Theory Relating Pregnancy and Teaching....

So, I have come to the conclusion that while teaching I release oxytocin, the same hormone released during childbirth. This hormone does a number of things during childbirth but one of its primary functions is to give the orgasmic feel that makes you forget how painful it is pushing something the size of a melon out of something so small. So, my theory is that while I'm going through the painful process of teaching these kids, I'm releasing a large amount of oxytocin making me forget how much I hate them some times. This theory stems from the fact that while I'm teaching the little devils I tell myself how much I want to kill myself but by the time I get home I'm all happy and love the kids again. What is this freakish weirdness taking over my body?! Is this the mythical maternal instincts that was thought to not exist in this child hating, woman's body? I don't understand! Why, even though I'm continuously pushed to the brink of self destruction, do I still love these midget Satans?