Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rant About Korean Racism

So, lately there was a post on youtube about a black man beating up a 61 year old Korean man on a bus. This all happened because the black man (country unknown to me), heard the Korean man say the word "neaga" meaning you. The black man thought that the Korean man said he was "nigger". So, that gave the black man the right to shout profanities in English and in Korean and eventually use violence to beat the man while onlookers didn't do or say anything.

I'm just astonished at the whole situation here. The Korean man was saying that the black man could sit here in Korean and the black man's response was to verbally and physically attack the older man. I understand that maybe the black man didn't know what the Korean man was saying but even if the Korean man did say the word "nigger", it doesn't give him the right to beat the man.

I guess I just don't understand where people think that it's ok to use violence on people. So what if you're called a name?! I don't care. If anything, give them a look that you're upset but then walk away. Especially in a country where you don't know what they're saying!!! I don't know how many times I thought someone was saying something about me but then it turned out totally wrong. I just wonder what kind of parents raised a man that could do that without even thinking. And what puzzles me even more, are the people who think that he was justified in his actions, even after seeing the video!!

I think that this world needs a big kick in the butt, and these little punks need a lesson! First, he's an elder. He is a 61 year old man. Aren't you supposed to respect your elders. Second, he doesn't speak English so I'm sure he doesn't know the word "nigger". And third, you're in someone elses country. You are Korea's guest. You need to play by their rules and laws. You don't go into someone else's house telling them what to do and throw crap around their house do you?

I think that if people come here with a good attitude and a positive outlook you won't face that much racism. As far as Gwangju is concerned, foreigners really started coming here only about 5 years ago, so we are still a very unfamiliar sight to many Koreans. So, I think that the best way to overcome racism even before it starts is to have a good attitude. Many Koreans haven't experienced many foreigners so they don't know what to think. If we are friendly and show that we are trying to learn about Korean culture, then they will think better of us and won't be so racist. Stop it before it starts and try changing the minds of those who are racist by being a positive influence rather than a negative influence spouting about our given rights.

I'm a firm believer that a positive attitude and a happy disposition can do a lot of good for race relations between foreigners and Koreans. I know that it won't change everyone's mind, but you will end up living a happier and more fufilled life here in Korea. You will have more foreigner and Korean friends and you will be more well recieved wherever you go. Where will being angry about everything get you? I know one thing, it will get you out of this country faster and with fewer friends.

So, advice to anyone coming to Korea. You will face some racial stigma, especially the darker your skin, but buck-up because the majority of people are very kind. Also, you'll get a lot of pointing by children and adults. But most of the time it's just excitement. They will also run up to you to try to practice their English. Take everything in stride and just enjoy being a celebrity for a while!! ;-)

Here's the link for the video on youtube. Make sure you have the safety mode turned off on the bottom of the page. Just click on "on" and then click "off" and "save".