Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daily Routine

I just thought I'd let ya'll know what my dialy life consits of now. First, I wake up in the morning somewhere between 11 and 12. I don't leave my bed yet and just play on the computer. I then get up, take a shower, make some food, get dressed and ready. I leave my house around 1:50 to walk to school. I show up at school and play on the computer for a 1/2 hour (technically that's my prep time). I start teaching at 2:30 and go until 8:30, except on Wednesdays when I teach until 9pm. On Mondays I teach 6 classes, Tuesdays it's 5, Wednesdays I have 7 classes, Thursdays I have 5, and Fridays I only have 4. When I finish class I walk back home to drop my computer off and to change. I then walk the one block to my gym where my trainer kicks my butt daily! Well, one of them is really nice and the other one we call Nazi! He actually laughs when we're shaking with pain and fall over from muscle cramps! After that it's home time to play on the computer again!

I know, my life is sooooo difficult! Working my butt off 6.5 hours a day! ;-) I do get a wrench thrown into the works every once in a while. Like I head to Ice Bar on Wednesday nights over in Chundam, which is actually in Gwangju but it's about a 30 minute drive there. You drink beer out of ice mugs and when you finish you throw them at a target for a chance for prizes. Then I stay at Mandy's so I don't have to pay the $10 taxi fee and can take a $1 bus in the morning. Also, Thursday nights are when Kristina and I head out to the local bars in our area and have a pitcher of beer and talk. It's really nice to get out once in a while and relax, because there is no relaxing on the weekends.

Weekends are packed full of fun! Usually I end up going out on Friday nights to forget my students and have a few drinks. I'm used to getting home at like 5-6 in the morning. However, I have gotten home at 11:30 before. Then I get a few hours of sleep before I have to head to Chonnan University area where I meet up for Korean Club. Where we drink coffee and actually have intellectual conversations. I know, you're supprised. Me too! Then afterwards we head out for dinner, noraebang, and the bar. Sundays are reserved for recovery time. So, as you can see, there is no relaxing time in my weekends even though it's free time.

However, things will slightly change once Korean class begins again Saturday mornings. I won't be heading out Friday nights anymore because I don't make it up in the morning. So, my life will be moving at a slightly slower pace.

Life here moves at such a fast pace compared to back in Wisconsin. Here, there is always something going on and it's always fun. I'm having a hard time saying no and picking things. Right now I'm excited and doing everything. I'm living life burning both ends of the candle. Might as well do it while I'm young, American standards because we all know I'm over the hill by Korean standards being 26/27 years old here!

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