Monday, April 11, 2011


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I'm in desperate need for a spring vacation. The weather is lovely, warm, and sunny. I wake up happy and chipper. However, I go to school and see my students and my mood instantly falls into the gutter! All they have to do is say hello to me and I'm already crabby. This is how I know I'm ready for a vacation from them.

While I was in school, I really looked forward to breaks/vacations from school and were usually needed very much. It was nice to get a mental break even if I didn't do anything special. Then I would come back refreshed and ready to go. I didn't know how much the teachers needed it too. However, at my current job I don't have those vacations. I have a few random days off throughout the year and I have 10 days of vacation I can apply to take, but not all at once.

Since my mental state is disintegrating day by day, I think that I will need to request a vacation soon. Even though I don't have a lot of money to go someplace nice, I think I will take some time off and just play around my apartment, go for walks, go hiking, and just a little R&R! Especially since the cherry blossoms are going to be in full bloom soon, so it will be a nice time to walk around and admire the landscape.

So, hopefully in the next blog I can write about the cherry blossoms that I walked around and saw. Along with pictures.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a good idea Shayna,
    the time off will do you good.

    love ya:
