Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weird Asian Remedies!

So I got my first case of the really bad flu here! You know the kind where you spend your whole night heaving, even when you have nothing left in your stomach. So, after a full night of abs workout, aka puking my guts out, I though I might want to call in sick to work. Luckily for me they let me take one hour off and it happened to be my break time! :-( So I spent the whole day with trips to the bathroom and time with my head down. I managed to teach some things but I got mostly taken advantage of today. The kids ran the show but I was in no mood to care.

The director's wife finally showed up in my room after she saw that I didn't eat with the rest of the teachers with some weird flu medicine, some kind of eggsalad sandwich, hot water to drink, and also some apple flavored milk! Who wouldn't want to take 4 horse pills and also eat an eggsalad sandwich when they can't even keep water down. Just the sight of the sandwich sent me reeling! Now lets talk about this apple flavored milk business! Who the hell would drink apple milk with an upset stomach, not to mention any other time?! I'll just let you know it's as gross as it sounds and tastes absolutely horrible coming back up!

However, I did get some amusement out of the day listening to what the kids told me I should do to get better. Normally in America it's drink fluids and get some rest. Well here I was told to drink cola and eat a lot of ramen! Just the thought of it is just gross! I did get a kid saying I should eat some squid or octapus but I think he just wanted to see me spew! I know, they all love me!

Well, until next time, that is if I make it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shayna: You are a charmer! Good to see your still (almost) alive! Take care, Joe
