Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 Random Koreans and a Date

It all happened in the wee hours of the morning, also known as after bar. I spent the night out with Nikiel and friends prowling the streets of downtown. We hit up German Bar, Speakeasy, Bubble Bar, and then proceeded to rock out at the norabong. It was a night filled with soju and mekju! We shared a lot of gambaes, one-shots, and a lot of drunk-tone-def singing. As the night drew to a close, I got some octapus from a streetvendor and hailed a taxi. Once out of the taxi I had to stumble a block home down a dark alleyway but I felt completely safe. While swerving my way home I happend to bump into 7 Korean men. I properly greeted them with a drunk annyeonghaseyo and a slight bow. They immediately took a shine to the drunk foreign girl who didn't speak any Korean and invited me to their apartment to drink some more mekju! Being the smart girl that I am I graciously accepted the invitation and went across the street from my house to party with some real Koreans. The rest of the night was filled with sticky notes stuck to our heads with our names written on them and our cellphone dictionary getting fully used. We sadly parted ways at 6am and I went and got 2 hours of sleep before I was woken up by my new friend Jungkil. We decided to go to lunch and watch the movie Avatar, which was GREAT! We had an ejoyable dinner of Burger King before the movie started. I was actually pretty happy because there's nothing like greasy food to help with a hangover. We spent all of lunch typing on our cellphone dictionaries to talk because I don't speak Korean and he doesn't speak English. But, it was still fun. So, over the next week we shared a few phone calls and text messages and then we decided to meet again last night. He picked me up at my apartment and we walked down the street to a nice chicken restaurant. We had some delicious spicy chicken and beer. Afterwards, we went back to my place where he did my dishes, cooked kimchi jjigae for me, and drank a lot of soju. After a few sojus we were feeling pretty loose so we put on some kpop and jammed out. I managed to get a little sleep last night! All I can say is that Korean sure can drink and they are very kind and patient. Jungkil is even studying English so that he can speak to me. I can tell that every time he calls me on the phone he's already practiced what he is going to say to me. I've never had someone that dedicated. I hope all Korean men are like this. If this keeps happening I'll never go home!


  1. Hi Shayna: Shayna if you want to gamble you should go to a casino, don't bet your life an alley! You got lucky! Have a great time and be safe! Maybe it would help when you go out to take your brain with you!!!!!
    see ya,
    Uncle Joe

  2. Well, I know I took my brain with me but I just killed the few remaining brain cells with the alchohol!

  3. Hey, was that joe from coco mo???
    Hi Shayna, Enjoy every day!!!

    Uncle Jim

  4. Well there goes this site! they'll let anyone in here!!!!
    u. joe
