Thursday, February 18, 2010

Korean Dating Advice

For all you ladies thinking it'll be great to date a hot Korean I have some advice for you. I know Asian fever isn't limited to the male population because I seem to have been infected with a touch of it as well. I made the mistake of taking things too lightly when it came to men.

This isn't like America where you can go hang out with guys just to have fun and be friends. Once you accept an invitation and say yes to anything you're done for. Once you've said yes they won't take no for an answer for anything. They become very aggressive in pursuit of you. They will stalk you on the phone and try to come by your house. Just to let you know, they're not actually stalkers. This is just their culture. If they're not semi-stalking you then they're not interested in you. I went on two dates with a Korean guy and the next time we went out as a group, he was introducing me as his girlfriend. I was very taken aback because I was thinking we were just hanging out and having fun, nothing serious. Well, I guess everything is serious here. There's no light, fun dating. So, the next time he called me I had to tell him no at least ten times. He couldn't understand that I was busy on the weekend and couldn't hang out. Then he said he would come by my house on Wednesday, today. I told him no repeatedly but he just said see you and hung up. So, after work today I snuck home early so I wouldn't run into him. I sat in my apartment without the lights on, phone on silent, and trying not to make noise. He called me 20 times in an hour, messaged me like 10 times, and rang my doorbell for nearly an hour! I knew that if I actually talked to him face to face it would be over. They just don't take no for an answer. Plus you have the added language barrier.

So, my advice to all you ladies with "yellow fever" is to be very choosy. You don't want to end up being stalked by someone you have no interest in, like me. I say take your time. The guys won't give up like back at home. These guys are used to working hard for it! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shayna: I would've never thought of going half way around the world to hide in my apartment,what a "smart girl"! Think of the money you'll save! Please let me know when your going to be on Jerry Springer, i dont want to miss it!!
    take care and happy hiding!
    uncle joe
