Monday, January 31, 2011


Recently I've been giving my future a lot of thought. What do I want to be, what do I want to do, where do I want to go, do I want to have a boyfriend, and basically what's going to happen to me in a year. I have 10 months left on my contract with my current school. After that, I have no idea what's going to happen. So, I wanted to throw my ideas out there and see what other people think.

  1. Stay in Korea teaching English
    1. Stay at the same school
    2. Change schools in the same city
    3. Change cities
  2. Stay in Korea and go to GIST grad school
  3. Teach English in Taiwan
  4. Teach English in Japan
  5. Move back to America (somewhere)
    1. Go to grad school
    2. Find a real job
I just don't know what I want to do. There are a lot of pro's and con's of each one of them. Kristina, one of my best friends is moving in a month and will probably go to Taiwan. Mandy, one of my other best friends will most likely stay for a third year here. I don't really think that I'm finished traveling yet to move back to America. As for grad school, I don't know if that's what I really want to be anymore so it won't be worth it to go there yet. As for Japan and Taiwan, I will make better money in Korea plus I get free flights.

So, that's the basic information. If you have any comments feel free to make them. I need some help sorting it all out. It is nice that I have some time to think about it. However, I will have to make a decision within 6 months. I don't know why, but this decision seems more imortant and deserves more thought than when I first decided to move here. I guess it's because I'm two years older and need to start thinking about the future. Man it sucks getting old!

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