Wednesday, August 17, 2011


If you can believe it, I'm coming to the end of my second year here in Gwangju, South Korea. I've had good times and bad times and gradually built a life here, minus a boyfriend. However, I have 3.5 months left in my contract at my current school. I'm at the point where I need to make a decision to either move on or stay. So far I have 4 choices I'm currently considering:
  1. Attend GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) starting in first term in March.
  2. Stay in Gwangju but switching English academies.
  3. Move to another city in South Korea.
  4. Move back home and look for a job in the states.
As of right now, those are my current rankings of where I want to go from here. However, there is the problem of getting my letters of reccommendation from proffessors who are on summer holiday back home. Other than that, I'm not that worried about getting into grad school. It would be difficult going back to school but I think it's about time that I started moving on with my life. I would be slightly moving on and growing up but not completely, baby steps.

So, for all of you out there wondering what I'm going to do with my life and when I'm coming home next this is my answer, according to the rankings:
  1. I will be back home around December 1st and staying for about 3 months before I move back to Gwangju, South Korea.
  2. I will be back home around December 1st and staying for a maximum of 2 months.
  3. I believe I will back back for December but don't know when I will be going back to Korea.
  4. I'll still be back in December but for no idea how long. I don't intend to live in Cumberland and would move out as soon as I found a job.
So there you have it. Now you can stop asking me because this is all I know.

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