Friday, August 26, 2011

K-Club Sports Day

In Cheonam at the backgate, every Saturday a group of foreigners and Koreans get together to discuss topics in English while enjoying a nice cup of coffee at Luwak Coffee Shop. We talk about all different types of topics from food to K-pop. We usually read about a page for the topic and discuss it with some questions. Then there is still time to have a casual chat. It's usually followed by dinner, some fun, and then maybe a drink or five. :-)

However, every once in a while we have little trips or events, as you can see from some of my previous blogs. We also have some events in the city like baseball games, movies, or even sports days. Well, this time we had a sport day.

We met at the usual time and place and walked over to the university area to get our sports on. These Koreans are extremely competative. So, we broke into teams and wagered money on each game we played.

We started out the day with a free-throw contest. We each shot 2 free-throws and at the end both teams were tied. So, we decided to all shoot another one and my team lost by one! We each lost 1000W ($1). The next game was dodgeball Korean style. It's slightly different than the one we play back home. Once you're hit you go to the outskirts of the other teams side where you can get the ball and throw it at them. It was fun but my team lost again. That was another 1000W. After that we decided to play soccer. BIG mistake. It was a close and highly competative game. We scored a goal and I was going in for another one when I kicked it a little too hard for how close I was and the ball went and nailed Lee, our goalee, in the face. His glasses broke and flew off his face as he crumpled to the ground. We all stood in shock. Then everyone started laughing and cheering, well everyone but me. I was freaking out. After that, the girls were kicked out of the games. The boys played with some other random Koreans. They played the food volleyball. It's actually fun. The other team of boys, we didn't know, had two too many players. So, us girls picked them up for a game of basketball. We played to five and I made all five shots, 5-0! At least I won one thing!! ㅋㅋㅋ After that Kimber and I had to head out to get ready for her going away party. The others stayed and kept playing until dark.

Well, the point is that it was a really fun time with some great friends. And for mom, this is verification that I don't only drink. I also do other things on the weekends too!! :-)

So, thank you to my K-club for keeping me entertained and keeping me out of a little trouble! And sorry Lee for the ball in the face!

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