Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Worst of Korea

So, in my 1 year and 2.5 month stint in Korea I've had some of the best times and made some of my best friends. Growing up they always say that you'll make your friends for life in college because you have a bigger group to choose from and you tend to have the most in commen with them. However, they must never have gone to Korea.

I have made the best friends in Korea. We have so much in common, do everything together, and have shared our happiness and sorrows. Even though we only know each other for a short period of time, we are the best of friends. I've been blessed with two best friends here in Korea. These are two girls that I couldn't imagine my life without. They're the two people who I put perfect trust in. I would never have to worry about talking behind backs or any real problems. For the most part, we haven't even had one disagreement in a year! Now, that's a miracle for girls who are so close.

However, with this happiness comes the sadness. I've known Kristina for about a year and we've become so close but now, in two weeks, she will be leaving Korea forever. This is the worst about Korea for those of us who choose to stay. We create tight-knit groups of friends who share everything but one day they will leave. I'm lucky, that this is my first real friend leaving Korea. But, it's a heartbreaking experience. The farewells are killers.

Kristina will be traveling to Taiwan, the Phillipines, and then back to NY. Later, she will most likely be joining her friend in Taiwan to teach there for another year. I think, once you get a taste for this lifestyle it's hard to give up. I am happy that she's staying near so that I can take a trip over there when I save some money. I mean, what's a little trip to Taiwan?! We will reunite, party, gossip, and then I will have to be on my merry way back to Korea, home. In a few years, I'm sure we will see each other again and be friends as if we never parted ways. Now, those are true friends.

I'm a very lucky girl so that I can truely say this is the worst of Korea. Losing a friend to another country. However, I shouldn't look at it as losing a friend because I know that we will always be friends. These people are my true soul-mates. With the love for adventure, travel, and the unknown. These people, I will always remember.

So, to those I've had to say good-bye to already and to those who I will soon see off, I've had a great time getting to know you, I'm happy to have met you, and I hope to reunite one day!


  1. I won't be too far, hopefully! You know next time we see eachother we are going to pick up right where we left off. You'll be talking about Korean boys, and I'll be gushing over the latest foreigner I'm crushing on. (Are we actually 26 years old? YUCK). Anyways, I'll always be "right around the corner" from you. ^^

  2. i think i have a tear running down my cheek.
    from dad
