Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Is Here

I love Korea! Spring comes soooooo early here. It's February 23rd and the temperature is 56F! It's practically summer compared to Wisconsin, where it is currently 23F! This is where I throw out my evil laugh at all those people living in torture in the state of Wisconsin! Mwuhahahahaha!

You can tell that it's spring time by the smell, the birds, and the way everyone acts. It's like mating season! You notice that all people think about or want seems to be love or a partner. The girls sit on one side of the classroom and giggle about the boys while the boys watch on and gossip about the girls. The middle schoolers just talk about the new school term that starts March 2nd and how they're going to get a boyfriend or girlfriend soon. That's all they want. Then, you see the young adults rutting around. The dance floor is packed at the bars and people are dancing unusually close. Koreans don't usually dance like us foreigners rubbing their bodies all over each other. But, in the spring it's a whole other story! Everyone is getting "frisky"!

I can tell by me because I'm more cheerful and I just want to play outside. I want to get a grill, lawnchair, and have a cold beer while chillin outside making a burger or steak. AWWWWW!!! I love spring!!

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