Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Letter From My Student

June 20th, 2011
Rose, age 9
Dear 쉐이나 teacher!!
Hello, teacher! How are you diong? I am rose! How tired you may be nowadays!! I think you must be very tired because of the students who are rude and bad in their behaviours. So, I write this letter to make you comfortable. Though I am not enough in everything now, I would like to learn all the subjects hard as possible. And I want to speak English with you longer than now. Till the day, cheer up for you and me!! Fighting!! Be careful for your health and stay healthy all the time, teacher I truly love you!!!
This was a letter from my 9 year old student Rose. She knows the basics of basics in English. Just from hello to when is your birthday. So, this letter is a huge accomplishment and magnificent. She told me she worked for two hours on this letter for me and asked her parents and teachers for help. She said she really wanted to make me happy. When I received this letter I almost cried. I've never felt so appreciated or loved my job more than at that moment. It's so funny how you can hate those little rascals 90% of the time but then they do something amazing that makes it worth it plus more.

So, I hope that all the other teachers or parents out there can have their moment like mine. That spark that validates your career and makes everything worth it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Surprising Children

I'd have to say that the Koreans I teach are the most uncreative children in the world. And this has everything to do with how they are raised. Their taught in school to memorize everything and not to think for themselves. They also go to school from morning until late in the evening, which leaves little time to play or enjoy themselves. Then, they also have to do their homework.

I think this is extremely detramental to their development. I don't know how many times I asked a question where they had to give me their opinion and they ask me what they should say. They're not used to thinking for themselves and have a hard time with problem solving if there isn't a specific formula for it.

How will they be able to function in society? Or will they just become mindless office drones?! But, the point I'm trying to make is every once in a while one will suprise you with a little deep thinking. It's extremely suprising that one of my 9 year olds (10 year old Korean) was able to come up with this and actually convey it perfectly in English.

"We lived in time. We meet other people with time. We can be late because of time. Anyway, who made time? When did time start? Twelve o'clock? One o'clock? A.M.? P.M.? I think somebody made it for people. Thank you for making time."

I would be surprised getting this from and English speaking child but from a Korean is even more surprising. I guess I'll keep my eyes open for the next profound event I will witness from my students.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Random Bliss

This past weekend was Memorial weekend in Korea. It's only a week behind ours in the US. So, I decided to live it up over the weekend. Well, it's not that different than normal besides the extra day. But what made this weekend memorable were the people I spent it with.

Friday night, I did the usual. Hung out with the usual crowd, went to the same places, and basically had a usual night. Saturday started out as ladies night and ended with everyone. This was the begining of the special weekend and confidence boost. Lately I have felt that life was getting too routine for me, boring, and just kinda blah. However, after Saturday, I feelt great. It was just a typical night. Got ready with the girls, went downtown, hung out and then went to Bubble Bar. Laura and I decided to buy a bottle of Absolute vodka for ourselves to celebrate out awesomeness and to save some money. We were just chillin by the bar, drinking, and dancing. Then a guy comes up to me to tell me how great I was. He said that out of everyone there, I stood out. He said that he could see how much fun I was and how great of a personality I had just by watching me. He said that he couldn't stop looking at my smile and listening to my laugh. (semi-gag) But, at that momement that's what I really needed to hear.

It's so weird how some random man, at a random time could flip my mood and give me the emotional boost that I had needed and craved. So, I finished the night happily and satisfied.

Sunday, because of the emotional boost, I decided to be brave and go out on a date alone. This is only my second real date. I only met him once before a long time ago so I really couldn't remember him but I said, "What the heck!" It ended up being a really nice date. We had a lot to talk about and had a lot of fun. Afterwards, I went and met up with my friends and had an epic night. I woke up with lime green window marker all over my body with lots of love messages written from my friends. The marker I bought because it glowed with the lights in the bar. Then we just got carried away writing all over everyone. Even random Korean guys walking down the street wanted it. They even went and bought a black permanant marker so that I could write on them and sign it!! Ha ha ha! I'm so famous!

Now, I'm back at work and I don't feel that usual sluggishness of going back to the usual druggery. I feel happy and refreshed physically and emotionally. And it's all thanks to that random Korean man. So, to him, I'd like to say a big thank you. And even though you made me feel great, no you can't have my number. ;-)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hot Spots in Gwangju

So, after living here for 1.5 years I've pretty much mapped out all the hot spots in Gwangju for nightlife. You can usually find 4-5 hoff's (Korean bars) in one block. So, you will never be lacking in the beer department. But, if you have a craving other than a laid-back beer and want some fun and excitement I have the spots for you.

In the Chundae Humoon area (back gate) there is the foreign bar called Tequilas. It serves up some of the best Mexican food, and the only Mexican food in Gwangju. It's a great place to go and you will always find some foreigners there. There is also the new bar called MC Bar that has been having some musical gigs recently. You'll always get a notice on facebook of some of the local Gwangju bands playing there and it's usually a blast.

If you're in the Chumdan area I would suggest Ice Bar, Solute's, and Game Bar. These aren't necissarily foreigner bars but they are the most popular among the foriegners who live in that area. You will usually find a group of foreigners out every Wednesday nights there. They will start out at Ice Bar with a few "ice" beers. You're beer is served in a cup actually made of ice. When you're finished with it you get to throw the ice at a target for a chance to win a prize. I highly recommend this place. Next, is game bar. It's just down the road form Ice Bar. It's just a bar that has a bunch of games you can play, darts, mini pool, black jack, and some other games. The next place is actually a live hoff (aka kareoke) called Salute's. The owner is extremely kind and speaks English fairly well. He also has two good looking sons who work there!!

The best of the best places to go out, however are downtown. There are numerous foreign bars. There is German Bar and Speakeasy. They are like the small hometown bars that we have back home. A little dark and dingy. Soul Train is another bar that's a little dark but it's a small step up from German and Speaks. The bartenders are all Korean but they speak English ok. There is a pool table there and also darts. Then there is Mix Bar, which is run by DJ Smak. It's more of a modern bar with techno music. Another place like Mix is the pink panty bar (T^2). It's a more modern bar that also plays more club music. They also always have the Victoria Secret Fashion Show playing on big projection screens. And they have cute waiters. I recommend going with some friends because you do sit down at a table. My favorite bar in Gwangju is Bubble Bar. It's owned by JC and has the best bartenders ever, Kiwon and May. The bar is always packed on Friday and Saturday nights. There are great drinks, great friends, and a lot of dancing.

There are also 2 dance clubs in the downtown area, Volume and Houze. Volume has more of a techno flavor to it with green laser lights everywhere. It's a lot of fun. Everyone wears sunglasses and blows whistles. There is also a really fun bartender there who's name is B.I.L.Y., Because I Love You. Houze has more hip-hop/techno music. While people dress more sporty at Volume, the boys at Houz are usually seen wearing a blazer jacket or dressed up nicer. Houze also seems to have a younger crowd but they're both very similar.

If you're new to Gwangju, I suggest going out to Speakeasy, German Bar, or Soul Train first. These are the bars you tend to go to earlier to chat and drink. You can meet some friends and find out where everyone will be going. Those are more the places to meet up. Then you will travel on to the next bar and will most likely end up at Bubble Bar somewhere around 1-2am.

Enjoy your party adventures and make sure you know your address so you can tell the taxi where to drop you off!!

P.S. Try not to pass out in the taxi. Because if you do, they will bring you to the police station where you will have to call someone to get you or wait out your intoxication!! Just a little friendly advice!