Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Letter From My Student

June 20th, 2011
Rose, age 9
Dear 쉐이나 teacher!!
Hello, teacher! How are you diong? I am rose! How tired you may be nowadays!! I think you must be very tired because of the students who are rude and bad in their behaviours. So, I write this letter to make you comfortable. Though I am not enough in everything now, I would like to learn all the subjects hard as possible. And I want to speak English with you longer than now. Till the day, cheer up for you and me!! Fighting!! Be careful for your health and stay healthy all the time, teacher I truly love you!!!
This was a letter from my 9 year old student Rose. She knows the basics of basics in English. Just from hello to when is your birthday. So, this letter is a huge accomplishment and magnificent. She told me she worked for two hours on this letter for me and asked her parents and teachers for help. She said she really wanted to make me happy. When I received this letter I almost cried. I've never felt so appreciated or loved my job more than at that moment. It's so funny how you can hate those little rascals 90% of the time but then they do something amazing that makes it worth it plus more.

So, I hope that all the other teachers or parents out there can have their moment like mine. That spark that validates your career and makes everything worth it.

1 comment:

  1. That is the way it goes with your own children also there a pain in the #%$?, but then once and a while they do something special that makes everything worth it.

    We love you and miss you
