Saturday, June 18, 2011

Surprising Children

I'd have to say that the Koreans I teach are the most uncreative children in the world. And this has everything to do with how they are raised. Their taught in school to memorize everything and not to think for themselves. They also go to school from morning until late in the evening, which leaves little time to play or enjoy themselves. Then, they also have to do their homework.

I think this is extremely detramental to their development. I don't know how many times I asked a question where they had to give me their opinion and they ask me what they should say. They're not used to thinking for themselves and have a hard time with problem solving if there isn't a specific formula for it.

How will they be able to function in society? Or will they just become mindless office drones?! But, the point I'm trying to make is every once in a while one will suprise you with a little deep thinking. It's extremely suprising that one of my 9 year olds (10 year old Korean) was able to come up with this and actually convey it perfectly in English.

"We lived in time. We meet other people with time. We can be late because of time. Anyway, who made time? When did time start? Twelve o'clock? One o'clock? A.M.? P.M.? I think somebody made it for people. Thank you for making time."

I would be surprised getting this from and English speaking child but from a Korean is even more surprising. I guess I'll keep my eyes open for the next profound event I will witness from my students.

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