Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Random Bliss

This past weekend was Memorial weekend in Korea. It's only a week behind ours in the US. So, I decided to live it up over the weekend. Well, it's not that different than normal besides the extra day. But what made this weekend memorable were the people I spent it with.

Friday night, I did the usual. Hung out with the usual crowd, went to the same places, and basically had a usual night. Saturday started out as ladies night and ended with everyone. This was the begining of the special weekend and confidence boost. Lately I have felt that life was getting too routine for me, boring, and just kinda blah. However, after Saturday, I feelt great. It was just a typical night. Got ready with the girls, went downtown, hung out and then went to Bubble Bar. Laura and I decided to buy a bottle of Absolute vodka for ourselves to celebrate out awesomeness and to save some money. We were just chillin by the bar, drinking, and dancing. Then a guy comes up to me to tell me how great I was. He said that out of everyone there, I stood out. He said that he could see how much fun I was and how great of a personality I had just by watching me. He said that he couldn't stop looking at my smile and listening to my laugh. (semi-gag) But, at that momement that's what I really needed to hear.

It's so weird how some random man, at a random time could flip my mood and give me the emotional boost that I had needed and craved. So, I finished the night happily and satisfied.

Sunday, because of the emotional boost, I decided to be brave and go out on a date alone. This is only my second real date. I only met him once before a long time ago so I really couldn't remember him but I said, "What the heck!" It ended up being a really nice date. We had a lot to talk about and had a lot of fun. Afterwards, I went and met up with my friends and had an epic night. I woke up with lime green window marker all over my body with lots of love messages written from my friends. The marker I bought because it glowed with the lights in the bar. Then we just got carried away writing all over everyone. Even random Korean guys walking down the street wanted it. They even went and bought a black permanant marker so that I could write on them and sign it!! Ha ha ha! I'm so famous!

Now, I'm back at work and I don't feel that usual sluggishness of going back to the usual druggery. I feel happy and refreshed physically and emotionally. And it's all thanks to that random Korean man. So, to him, I'd like to say a big thank you. And even though you made me feel great, no you can't have my number. ;-)

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