Sunday, November 29, 2009

Arrival After a Lifetime of Travelling

I finally arrived in the Incheon/Seoul airport after, what seems like, a lifetime of travelling. You know with the 7 hours it took to drive down to Chicago so that I could pick up my visa and fly out from the Chicago O'hare international airport. I had a 3.5 hour layover in SanFransisco, plus the 12 hour flight to Incheon, South Korea.

After arriving at the airport in South Korea I went through customs, which wasn't bad at all. All they did was stamp me and I was in. Then I had to take a 4.5 hour bus ride to Gwangju, my city. But I had to make sure to tell the lady giving me the ticket that I wanted Gwangju City in Jeollanam Province. Otherwise I would end up in Gwangju on the other side of Korea. By some miracle I made it on the right bus by asking a lot of people, who couldn't understand me but I just thrust my ticket at them. Luckily a nice coulple pushed me onto the right bus! Whew!

The next problem was finding the people who were supposed to meet me at the bus station. Where was I supposed to meet them? No one told me that!! But fortunately they got there early and saw me as the only foreigner and came and grabbed me right away. By this time it was 11pm and I had been traveling for 28 hours! Me so sleepy!!

I however, didn't get to go to bed right away, they insisted on taking me on a tour around the area to show me everything. I feel sorry for them because I was so delerious with sleep that I didn't see a thing and my responses were very limited. They eventually showed me to my apartment, which I still don't know the address of.

The aparment reminds me of a dorm, with a tiny kitchenette and a little ity-bity bathroom. But it's my home and I like it, minus the mold and dirt!

Well, anyways, I'll write down some more adventures later until then I need to learn some hangul!!


  1. Korean side dish? Is'nt that dog soup? Glad to see you made it ok! Thanks for the phone call befor you left. Take care, Joe
