Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The question of the day is ................. "Exactly how many different types of Kimchi are there?"

Word on the street here in Gwangju, SK, they say there are at least 192 different types of Kimchi! They vary with region and season. I trust these people too, based on the fact that Gwangju is home of the Kimchi-fest every year! However, I know it doesn't hold a candle to Rutabaga Festival! Am I right fellow Cumberlonians? ;-)

Anyways, just thought I'd let you know how delicious Kimchi was. I don't really like the cabbage version, seeing as I don't really like cabbage, but it's ok. My favorite is the raddish version! Now that's lip-smacking deliciousness!

This picture is just a few of the varieties of Kimchi. If I listed them all off I would feel like Bubba talking about shrimp!

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