Tuesday, December 29, 2009

4 Score And ............

Four score and....actually a month ago, I was brought forth onto this continent and new nation. I have slightly adapted and have made numerous, make that countless mistakes. I bet no one knew how hard you have to work at daily life in a foreign country. Making food, buying food, getting around, and attempting to use chopsticks is a huge hassle. If I need to go shopping I build my whole day around a trip to the Lotte Mart, which is a 10 minute walk from my house. I have to make sure I have everything I need. Warm enough clothes, mittens to cushion my hands while carrying the bags back, my dictionary, notebook with useful phrases, money, alien card, camera just in case, 100W coin so I can get a shopping cart, and my Zune to listen to some tunes! So right away I'm slightly weighed down. Then once I get there and ask the nice people where to find things, by pointing at my dictionary and them dragging me around. I start my trek home. Half way home my arms start to shake and I feel like I can't go on but I man up and make it home and almost collapse! But for real, my bags do drop to the floor. That usually takes me about a couple hours. Then I put things away and start to cook food. So really it takes me about 3-4 hours to complete things but by this time I'm warmed up again in my apartment, full, satisfied, and then it's time for either a nap for some good old facebook!

I'm not lying! This is my typical weekend. Then the next day I have to start planning lessons so that I don't have to do it during the week because I'm extremely lazy in the mornings and after school I really don't want to do any more school work. I'm just like that. However, now that I have some foreign friends my weekends will slowly start to fill and I'll actually have to do a fulls days worth of work during the week so I can have my weekends free. I don't know why but for some reason I'm resenting having friends and a life at times like this! ;-)

But, back to the interesting things. I went to a buffet at the big bus station, which is really like a giant mall. And yes, the buffets are like the buffets back home but with all Asian food. I didn't even ask what I was eating because I really didn't want to know. I know I ate some octopus, squid, snail, mussel, raw tuna and crab, and the other stuff I just couldn't figure out. I did have a few normal dishes like beef stirfrye and some sweet pork. Overall it was delicious! They just kept forcing more and more food on me and finally I told them no more! I ate the least out of them but I'm the fattest one here! These skinny little Asians sure can eat and I have no idea as to where they pack it away! I took a sideways glance at the ice cream and gained 5 pounds! ;-)
But, I have to get going. I have to make my bed on the heated floor because I still haven't figured out how to work the heat here. I can only work the heated floor. It's the coldest day this year so far. Brrrrrr! It's -10C, I'm sorry to all my fellow Wisconsinites I'm becoming weak to cold temps over here in this mild climate!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shayna: well that did'nt work out, i wanted to be american main dish!!! I was going to send you alot of money for christmas but i did'nt have your address! next year!! take care.
    uncle joe
