Friday, December 18, 2009

The art of teaching a snowball fight!

Yesterday we finally had our first snowfall here so the kids were pretty excited, just like the ones back home get. However, I never thought that it would be a common occurrence to have your students bring you snowballs in your classroom when you're on the third floor in a business district. ??????????

Well anyways, I started to lay the smack down. I was trying to tell them not to bring snowball into the classroom and not to throw it inside. Needless to say, I eventually gave up. This snow was like a super sugar high to the max! No one could concentrate! Books were already out of the question and even the games I painstakingly made up were a flop due to this devil, white substance! But eventually, for my last class I gave in to them. I told them they had to do some learning, my super awesome game I made up, and then for the last part of class we'd have a snowball fight in the parking lot. Yes, I taught them how to snowball fight for English class! It was so much fun! It's not like back home where it gets dangerous and is no fun. We ran around like 5 year olds screaming and laughing. It was the best medicine I've had since I've been here. They totally recharged me in those 15 minutes we spent together. The only down side was that it was gang up on the teacher snow fight. Oh well, I showed them American style. I got them all good! Muhahaha!

I really needed that snowball fight because every Tuesday and Thursday my first class is my devil class! They a bunch of first graders that make me want to cry every class. I've never been bullied so much in my life but I feel a little better because I get to make them kneel in the corner with their hands raised for ten minutes if they're bad. I sit there and think in my head, how do you like that! I don't know who's more mature, me or them!! Hahaha!

So far the time I've spent here has been memorable, the whole 3 weeks of it! I'm wondering when I'm going to hit bottom with the culture shock. So far I've been right around normal. I wake up, get ready, go to work, go home, plan some lessons, dink around, and go to bed. Nothing very special but nothing terrible. I think that it's nice to have a routine when you're doing this so that you don't really miss home that much. However, most of my happiness, I'm sure, comes from skype! What a great invention! I call home to update everyone and talk about my days. The best part is that it's free and it's a video phone! The only downer is the time difference and they eat good American food in front of me! Talk about rude! I'm starving over here eating eggs and rice while they're eating steak and potatoes!

Well, until next time! Peace out!

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