Saturday, December 5, 2009

To Teach Or Not To Teach!

So yesterday marked the end of my first week of teaching. I'm physically and mentally depleted! I really only teach for 6.5 hours a day but I also have to make up my lesson plans, so that really rounds me up to about 8 hours. I don't know what I expected when I came over here but it's totally different than what I thought. Most people would be suprised by me. The normally controlling, bossy Shayna has mellowed out a lot. I decided I can't take this too seriously especially since it's my first week.

I spent the whole week stuggling each class to assess where they were at level-wise, where they were at in their books, what they did before with the previous teacher, and if they didn't have books I had to figure out my own lessons. I'm not going to lie, I barely made it through this week. I also got the flu and now a bad cold is just lingering. Man, what stress will do to you.

I'm guessing that I'll struggle through a few more weeks before I get the hang of things. I really thought that there would be lesson plans or a more strict curriculum but I guess it's all up to me. I also thought that I would be paired up with a Korean teacher but I'm on my own. I also haven't received any help from the other teachers. For the most part the other teachers stay out of each others way and don't relaly interact. Oh well, I guess my rosey image of making friends with the other teachers is out.

Even though I complain a lot, I still really like this job so far. The kids are really nice. Most of them are more interested in me than in English. The only reason they speak English to me is because they're curious about me and I can't speak Korean. Almost every student HATES English but my love for Harry Potter and Twilight has made me a lot of student friends.

Some of my students bring me food every day. Julie an 11 year old girl brought me some bread her and her mom made, the next time she brought me sweet-potatoe cookies she made, some Korean oranges the next time, and she made me some Korean flashcards. Aother student, I can't remember his name, brings me candy every day. Other students like to bring me spicy food because they think that the weird foreign teacher will react funny but to their suprise I love spicy food! Hahaha jokes on you guys! ;-)

I feel kinda bad that I can't remember my students' names but I have about 130 students! Most of them I only teach them for an hour once a week. The first and second graders are the only ones I teach twice a week. However, they go to the other teachers other days of the week so they all stop by my classroom to hang out and chat if I'm not busy. I think my main role in this school is to be a foreigner, so the school can say that they have a native English speaker teaching here. I'm also here for pronunciation and conversation. I've also decided that my class is going to be the fun class with lots of games. That makes it more fun for me too! ;-)

Next on my list to conquer in this city is to figure out where I can buy TP and garbage bags! Those two very important items seem to be hiding from me in all the marts that I find! Guess I'll have to walk my but over to the Lotte Mart and search there and then trudge my way back carrying a ton of crap. At least I'll get to walk by the World Cup Stadium again.

Peace! Until next time!

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